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The following code can be cut and pasted into an HTML document. Make
sure that the ScrollItUp.jar file is placed within the same directory
as the HTML document that contains this code.

<APPLET CODE="ScrollItUp.class"
<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="668899">
<PARAM NAME="scrollbgcolor" VALUE="000000">
<PARAM NAME="outlinecolor" VALUE="000000">
<PARAM NAME="fontcolor" VALUE="ffff00">
<PARAM NAME="hovercolor" VALUE="00ff00">
<PARAM NAME="linkcolor" VALUE="ff0000">
<PARAM NAME="brakes" VALUE="55">
<PARAM NAME="fontface" VALUE="arial">
<PARAM NAME="fontstyle" VALUE="plain">
<PARAM NAME="fontbold" VALUE="off">
<PARAM NAME="fontsize" VALUE="14">
<PARAM NAME="textfile" VALUE="test.txt">
<PARAM NAME="margin" VALUE="5">
Make sure that your browser is Java enabled...



Width and Height can be set to desired specification.

Text file layout...

# comments can be included by prefixing with the pound sign,
# these are ignored by the scroller.

Normal text is displayed and scrolled.

Links can be inserted into the text at any point.

Text prefixed by the "|" symbol (press "shift"+"\")
is the link text, which when clicked on will take you to
the URL specified in the next line, eg:


Links must also end with the "|" symbol, and there must be no spaces
between the commas in the link text.

TEXT can be as many words as you like. Words included in a link are
not wrapped onto the next line, but can only take up one line.

URL can be specified as absolute (,
or relative (index.html).

TARGET specifies which frame to load links into. Values can be:
"_self" - loads into current window.
"_parent" - loads into full current window if frames are used.
"_blank" - loads into a new window.
"framename" - loads into the name of the frame you specify.
If this parameter is left out then a default of "_self" will be used.

Parameters include...

<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="ff0000">
This sets the background color, and should be entered as a hexadecimal
value. If this parameter is left out then a default color of light-gray
will be used.

<PARAM NAME="scrollbgcolor" VALUE="ff0000">
This sets the color of the scroll area's background, and should be
entered as a hexadecimal value. If this parameter is left out then a
default color of white will be used.

<PARAM NAME="outlinecolor" VALUE="ff0000">
This sets the color of the applet's outline, and should be
entered as a hexadecimal value. If this parameter is left out then a
default color of white will be used.

<PARAM NAME="fontcolor" VALUE="ff0000">
This sets the color of the scrolling text, and should be entered as a
hexadecimal value. If this parameter is left out then a default color
of black will be used.

<PARAM NAME="hovercolor" VALUE="ff0000">
This sets the color of the URL link text when the mouse pointer hovers
over a link, and should be entered as a hexadecimal value. If this
parameter is left out then a default color of red will be used.

<PARAM NAME="linkcolor" VALUE="ff0000">
This sets the color of the URL link text, and should be entered as a
hexadecimal value. If this parameter is left out then a default color
of blue will be used.

<PARAM NAME="brakes" VALUE="5">
This sets the speed of the scroll, the higher the number, the slower
the text will scroll. If this parameter is left out then a default
value of 5 will be used.

<PARAM NAME="fontface" VALUE="Arial">
This sets the font face to be used.
Current available fonts are "TimesRoman", "Courier" and "Arial".
If this parameter is left out then a default of arial will be used.

<PARAM NAME="fontstyle" VALUE="italic">
This value sets the font to either 'italic' or 'plain'.
If this parameter is left out then a default of plain will be used.

<PARAM NAME="fontbold" VALUE="on">
This specifies if the text is displayed in bold, values accepted are
'on' or 'off'. If this parameter is left out then a default value of
off will be used.

<PARAM NAME="fontsize" VALUE="30">
This sets the size of the font in points.
If this parameter is left out then a default of 16 points will be used

<PARAM NAME="textfile" VALUE="test.txt">
Specifies the location and name of the text file to read information
If this parameter is left out then a warning message will be scrolled.
If the text file cannot be found, or is blank, then a spearate warning
message will be scrolled.

<PARAM NAME="margin" VALUE="5">
This sets the size of the horizontal margin in the scroll screen, in
pixels. If this parameter is left out then a default of 5 pixels
will be used.