Make sure that your browser is Java enabled... (Enter "1234")

What does it do?

The Password applet provides simple but effective password protection for your Website.
No complex encoding, the password is just the name of the Web page you wish to access, without the ".html" extension, not worth charging cash for in my books! However, as the password isn't stored anywhere it can't be cracked, and offers reasonably good protection.

Web page = "3424876.html"
Password = "3424876"

Configurable file extension, can be .html, .asp, or whatever you choose. Optional redirect page to be displayed for incorrect password. Definable text message for top of applet, can be bold or plain text. Configurable text, background and outline color. Configurable text field size.

Note: If you have information that you really don't want anybody to see, this still isn't a failsafe option!

Note: Make sure that there is a file named "index.html" in the directory the hidden page is situated. If you don't do this then anybody referencing the URL of the directory it's installed in will get a list of all files contained there (eg. go to


The following code can be cut and pasted into an HTML document. Make
sure that the Password.jar file is placed within the same directory
as the HTML document that contains this code.

<APPLET CODE="Password.class" ARCHIVE="Password.jar" WIDTH="160" Height="60">
<PARAM NAME="extension" VALUE=".html">
<PARAM NAME="target" VALUE="_self">
<PARAM NAME="outline" VALUE="000000">
<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="336699">
<PARAM NAME="textcolor" VALUE="ffffff">
<PARAM NAME="fontbold" VALUE="off">
<PARAM NAME="text" VALUE="Please enter password:">
<PARAM NAME="inputchars" VALUE="10">
<PARAM NAME="redirect" VALUE="incorrect.html">
Make sure that your browser is Java enabled...


Parameters include...

<PARAM NAME="extension" VALUE=".html">
This sets the extension of the page loaded when the password is
correct. This can be anything you like, ".asp", ".txt", whatever.
If this parameter is left out then a default of ".html" will be used.

<PARAM NAME="target" VALUE="_self">
Specifies which frame to load links into. Values can be:
"_self" - loads into current window.
"_parent" - loads into full current window if frames are used.
"_blank" - loads into a new window.
"framename" - loads into the name of the frame you specify.
If this parameter is left out then a default of "_self" will be used.

<PARAM NAME="outline" VALUE="000000">
This sets the color of the applet's outline, and should be
entered as a hexadecimal value. If this parameter is left out then a
default color of black will be used.

<PARAM NAME="bgcolor" VALUE="ff0000">
This sets the color of the background, and should be entered as a
hexadecimal value. If this parameter is left out then a
default color of white will be used.

<PARAM NAME="textcolor" VALUE="ff0000">
This sets the color of the text, and should be entered as a
hexadecimal value. If this parameter is left out then a default color
of black will be used.

<PARAM NAME="fontbold" VALUE="on">
This specifies if the text is displayed in bold, values accepted are
'on' or 'off'. If this parameter is left out then a default value of
off will be used.

<PARAM NAME="text" VALUE="Please enter password:">
Specifies the text to be displayed at the top of the applet.
If this parameter is left out then "Please enter password:" will be

<PARAM NAME="inputchars" VALUE="10">
This sets the size of the text field by the ammount of characters
displayable. If this parameter is left out then a default of 15
characters will be used.

<PARAM NAME="redirect" VALUE="incorrect.html">
This sets the page to load if the password is incorrect. If this value is set to "off" then the text field will clear and the
original page will remain displayed.